Ali Baba Fouty Thieves||STORY||

                                *Ali Baba Fouty Thieves*

In a time long ago, deep in the heart of Persia, there lived a humble woodcutter named Ali Baba. Though his life was simple, filled with days spent gathering wood in the forest, he was content. He lived in a small cottage with his wife, and together they made just enough to get by. His older brother, Cassim, however, was a wealthy merchant who often looked down on Ali Baba for his modest living.

One fateful day, while working in the forest, Ali Baba heard the thunder of horses' hooves in the distance. Startled, he quickly climbed a tree for safety, peering out through the leaves. To his amazement, he saw a group of forty men riding into the clearing below. These were no ordinary travellers, for they were dressed in flowing, dark robes, their faces masked with fierce expressions. These were the infamous forty thieves, whose deeds were spoken of in fearful whispers throughout the land.

Ali Baba watched in silence as the leader of the thieves, a tall man with a commanding presence, dismounted and approached a massive rock face. To Ali Baba's surprise, the man stood before the rock and called out, "Open, Sesame!" The rock rumbled, and a secret door swung open, revealing the entrance to a hidden cave. One by one, the thieves entered, each carrying heavy sacks filled with gold and jewels.

Ali Baba's heart raced as he realized what he was witnessing. The thieves' lair was filled with untold riches—enough to change his life forever. But he knew he had to be cautious. After a few minutes, the thieves emerged, their sacks now empty, and the leader once again spoke the words, "Close, Sesame." The door to the cave shut as the thieves mounted their horses and rode away.

Once the coast was clear, Ali Baba climbed down from the tree. His mind was racing, but he knew he had to see for himself if what he had witnessed was real. Approaching the rock, he stood before it and, with a trembling voice, said, "Open, Sesame." To his astonishment, the rock slid aside, revealing the dark entrance to the cave.

With hesitant steps, Ali Baba entered the cave, and what he saw took his breath away. Piles of gold coins, glittering jewels, and precious treasures lay in heaps, as far as the eye could see. His eyes gleamed with excitement, but he knew he couldn't be greedy. Ali Baba filled a few small sacks with as much as he could carry and quickly left the cave, speaking the words to seal the entrance behind him.

Back at home, Ali Baba's wife was shocked when she saw the treasure. "Where did this come from?" she asked, her eyes wide with disbelief. Ali Baba explained everything—the thieves, the cave, and the magical words. They agreed to keep the secret to themselves, fearing what might happen if the thieves found out.

However, they needed to weigh the gold to know its true value. Ali Baba's wife, not having a proper scale, went to borrow one from Cassim's wife. Cassim's wife, curious about what Ali Baba's wife needed to weigh, secretly placed wax at the bottom of the scale. When Ali Baba's wife returned the scale, a single gold coin was stuck to the wax, revealing the secret to Cassim and his wife.

Envious and greedy, Cassim demanded that Ali Baba reveal the location of the treasure. Reluctantly, Ali Baba told him the secret of the cave. The very next day, Cassim set out to claim the treasure for himself. Arriving at the cave, he spoke the words, "Open, Sesame," and the door opened. Greed overcame him, and he rushed inside, gathering as much treasure as he could carry.

But in his haste, Cassim forgot the words to reopen the door. Panicked, he tried everything he could think of—"Open, Barley!" "Open, Wheat!"—but nothing worked. The door remained shut, and Cassim was trapped inside.

Soon after, the thieves returned to their cave. They were shocked to find Cassim inside, and realizing he had discovered their secret, they killed him on the spot and left his body inside as a warning to anyone who might try to steal from them.

When Cassim did not return home, his wife grew worried and asked Ali Baba to search for him. Fearing the worst, Ali Baba went to the cave and found his brother's lifeless body. Grief-stricken but determined to protect his family, he brought the body back home and devised a plan to make it look like Cassim had died peacefully.

You can also read this story Pyaar Ka Tadka

Ali Baba enlisted the help of Morgiana, his loyal servant, a clever and resourceful woman. Morgiana disguised Cassim's death by sewing his body back together and arranging a quiet funeral, ensuring no one suspected foul play. Her quick thinking saved Ali Baba and his family from suspicion.

However, the thieves soon realized that someone else knew the secret of their cave. Furious, they set out to find the intruder. The leader disguised himself as a merchant and went door to door in the village, hoping to find out who had stolen from them. He eventually discovered Ali Baba's home and planned his revenge.

The leader marked Ali Baba's door with a symbol so the thieves could return that night and kill him. But Morgiana, ever vigilant, noticed the mark and quickly devised a plan. She marked several other doors in the village with the same symbol, confusing the thieves when they returned.

Frustrated by their failure, the leader decided to try again. This time, he and his men hid inside large oil jars, planning to ambush Ali Baba during the night. But Morgiana discovered the plot when she went to fetch oil from one of the jars and heard the thieves whispering inside. Without hesitation, she poured boiling oil into each jar, killing the thieves one by one.

When the leader of the thieves realized his men were dead, he tried to flee, but Morgiana confronted him and ended his life with a swift dagger.

Ali Baba was forever grateful to Morgiana for her bravery and quick thinking. He welcomed her as part of his family, and with the treasure from the thieves' cave, he lived a prosperous and happy life. The secret of the cave remained with him, but its wealth ensured that Ali Baba would never want for anything again.

And so, the tale of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves became a legend, passed down through generations as a story of courage, wit, and the ultimate triumph of good over evil.

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