The Return of the Little Prince. || Story || Tales Story || Top 10 Story ||

The Return of the Little Prince.

Once upon a star, long after he had left Earth, the Little Prince found himself yearning for a new adventure. His tiny planet, with its three volcanoes and a single rose, was lovely, but the Little Prince's heart still held a quiet ache for the friends he had met during his travels. The fox, who had taught him about taming and love; the aviator, who had listened to his tales under the stars; and even the many strange and lonely beings scattered across the planets—they all lived in his memory like stars twinkling in a distant sky.

One evening, as he watched another sunset on his planet, his rose—more vibrant than ever—spoke to him softly.

"You've been restless, Little Prince. Perhaps it's time for you to visit the stars again. The universe is wide, and your heart is vast."

The Little Prince looked at his rose with affection. "But who will take care of you, my flower?"

"I have learned to care for myself, dear Prince," the rose said, smiling. "Go, find new stories to tell, and new friends to meet. But do not forget me."

The Little Prince nodded, his heart lightened by her words. He adjusted his golden scarf, picked up his satchel, and set off to visit the stars once more.

As he traveled, hopping from one tiny asteroid to the next, the Little Prince marveled at how much had changed in the universe. The stars were still brilliant, but there seemed to be new worlds, new lights flickering in the distance. He visited a planet where the inhabitants spent their entire lives running in circles, chasing after their own shadows. They never stopped to talk, never stopped to listen.

"This is so strange," the Little Prince said aloud to no one in particular, though his heart felt a little heavier.

On another planet, he met a king who had no subjects at all, but insisted on giving commands to the clouds, the mountains, and even the wind. "I rule everything!" the king boasted, though he sat alone on his grand throne in the middle of an empty desert.

"Are you happy?" the Little Prince asked.

"I am powerful!" the king answered, but the Little Prince saw the loneliness in his eyes.

Each new planet he visited taught him something, but it also made him long for a place where hearts were open and simple things—like sunsets, friendship, and laughter—mattered more than power or routine. As he floated through the cosmos, his thoughts drifted back to Earth, to the aviator, the fox, and the sheep that lived in his mind. Perhaps, he thought, it was time to visit Earth again.


When the Little Prince arrived on Earth, he found himself in a lush, green forest, not far from the Sahara desert where he had met the aviator so long ago. The world had changed. The desert had grown wider, but the forests were still full of life—birds, trees, and rivers singing their songs.

As he wandered through the forest, the Little Prince came upon a small village nestled between the hills. The people there were kind but seemed troubled. They hurried about, talking about something called "time" and how they never had enough of it.

He stopped a woman who was rushing by. "Why are you in such a hurry?"

She looked at him, puzzled. "Because I have so much to do and so little time to do it."

"But where are you going?" he asked.

"To the market, to work, to home—to everywhere," she said, before hurrying away.

The Little Prince tilted his head, confused. "Everywhere is not a destination," he whispered to himself.

He wandered further until he came across a small child sitting by a river, tossing pebbles into the water. The child's face lit up when he saw the Little Prince.

"Hello," said the child. "I was waiting for someone like you."

"For me?" asked the Little Prince, surprised.

"Yes. I’ve heard stories about a boy from the stars, and I thought maybe you'd come back someday. Are you here to tell me about the stars?"

The Little Prince smiled. "I can, if you'd like. But tell me first, why are you sitting by the river?"

The child shrugged. "Because it's peaceful. Sometimes, I think people forget to stop and listen to the river."

The Little Prince nodded. "It’s important to listen. The river has many stories to tell, just like the stars."

The two sat together, listening to the gentle flow of the water. It reminded the Little Prince of the time he had tamed the fox, of how friendship and love could grow in the simplest moments of shared silence.

"Do you know what is most important?" the Little Prince asked the child after a while.

The child thought for a moment. "Love?"

The Little Prince’s eyes brightened. "Yes. Love, and the things you cannot see with your eyes but feel with your heart."

The child smiled, and together they spoke of the stars, the planets, and the stories the Little Prince had gathered on his travels. They talked about taming, and how once you have tamed something—or someone—it becomes special forever.

"You see," said the Little Prince, "the stars are beautiful because of a flower that lives on my planet. And this river is special because you are here, listening to it."

The child laughed, a sound like the ripple of the water. "I hope one day I can travel to the stars, like you."

"You will," said the Little Prince, standing up. "But even if you don't leave this planet, you can still travel far by listening and loving the world around you."

The Little Prince knew it was time for him to continue his journey. He said goodbye to the child by the river, promising to visit again one day. As he walked back through the forest, he felt a warmth in his heart, knowing that Earth still held some who remembered the things that truly mattered.

That night, the Little Prince lay under the stars, just as he had with the aviator so long ago. He thought about his rose, his volcanoes, and the adventures he had yet to have. He knew that love was not something you left behind but something you carried with you, no matter how far you traveled.

He closed his eyes, knowing that the universe was vast and full of wonder. But as always, his heart would lead him back to the places, and the people, that had tamed him. And that, he thought, was the most important lesson of all.

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